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Historic Coconut Grove has a variety of parking options that make planning your visit simple
Recent Posts From
the Grove
Our Block-By-Block team has been doing a stellar job keeping our streets clean -- now they’re now getting a boost!
Betty Riera shares shares how Motivating Minds Academy is shaping the future of education here in the Grove.
Family-owned and operated, find out why the fine jewelry and watch store has been a Grove success story for over 30 years.
We had the distinct pleasure of meeting Grand 7th's dynamic owner, Firas Hussain. A man who embodies the spirit of his legendary establishment.
August 20 update on myriad Block-By-Block activities being performed by our Ambassadors in the streets of the Grove.
We catch up with Georgia from Silly Monkeys Playhouse to find out how her brand of kindness translates into a mindful and creative learning for kids in the Grove.
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